This may seem like a utopia, but... We have made it a reality!
We have implemented a system able to register, in real time, the location and the availability of a large body of professionals from all sectors (e.g. plumbers, computer experts, physiotherapists, hairdressers, vets, messengers, drivers, interpreters, tour guides, photographers, tow trucks…)
The JIT Pros offers you, for free, the one and only directory to find professional assistance just at the moment you need it. You only have to indicate what you need and where you are and, instantly, The JIT Pros shows you the profile of all the professionals, who at this precise moment in time are close to you, available to serve you right now.
The JIT Pros has managed to solve a problem that until now had no easy, quick, convenient, efficient, sustainable and free solution:
To find a professional ready to provide service immediately.

The JIT Pros takes On-demand Services to a higher level by putting at your disposal professionals ready to provide service just at the moment you need it.
The JIT Pros, besides being indispensable to find emergency repair professionals (plumbers, locksmiths, electricians...), allows you to make the most of your time and take advantage of unexpected free time to enjoy a home manicure, hairdressing or massage service, home furniture assembly service, small domestic installations...
The JIT Pros also makes it possible to find, in real time, any kind of service wherever you go and wherever you are, such as, for example, tour guides-photographers, interpreters, food trucks, carriers, drivers, roadside assistance...
We are the one and only platform that allows professionals to get new clients while saving time and money, boosting their productivity and increasing their benefits. The JIT Pros allows professionals minimize traveling by getting clients near their location at every moment of the day in real time.
Fair treatment.
We have great respect and admiration for On-demand Professionals and we offer fair treatment to all of them. The professionals registered on The JIT Pros are true self-employed, they set their own rates and their own working conditions, may accept or decline a job without any penalty, deal personally with their clients, get paid directly from them, do not have to pay for leads and do not have to pay commissions, registration or maintenance fees.
Equality of opportunity.
Our selection algorithm guarantees equal opportunities for all professionals registered on The JIT Pros. TJP-Finder sorts the search results based on the distance each professional is located in real time, not based on the amount they bid. Therefore, The JIT Pros offers equal treatment to all professionals and those who bid higher and have greater economic capacity do not benefit more than others.
The JIT Pros offers its services in a fully transparent manner. TJP-Finder users have access to the complete profile of the professionals and know the distance each professional is located in real time. Professionals deal directly with their clients, negotiate the terms and conditions of service and get paid directly from them.
Sustainable mobility.
The JIT Pros contributes to the environmental care and reduces the carbon footprint by minimizing the thousands of daily trips professionals make in the course of their work activity.
Quality of Service.
The JIT Pros monitors and records the activity of the professionals to ensure that they are not only fast, effective and efficient, but also honest, friendly and helpful.
The JIT Pros increases the productivity of consumers and service providers. On the one hand, service providers do not waste time traveling back and forth and reduce their downtime and, on the other hand, consumers save a lot of time searching and waiting for the professional.
Resource optimization.
We optimize to the maximum the thousands of trips that professionals make daily. On the one hand, we eliminate unnecessary traveling of the professionals and, on the other hand, we shorten the journeys by selecting the professionals closest to the client in real time.
We connect Consumers with Service Providers in an extraordinarily efficient manner. We provide professional assistance with an unbeatable response time while increasing users’ productivity, optimizing the traveling of the professionals and contributing to sustainable mobility.